Big trucks and commercial vehicles are the backbones of our industrial marketplace. Without those dependable drivers, the cost of products could go up and the efficiency could decrease. There are many checks and balances in place to ensure there safe are vehicles on the road and reliable operators maintaining the requirements.
Despite that oversight, 2017 is going on record as the highest number of fatalities involving large trucks or buses in a decade. As reported by the FMCSA, the total number of fatalities has risen each of the past 3 years and accidents involving an occupant were at the highest level since the late 80’s.
With so many more cars on the road today than 20 years ago it’s no wonder that there would be more accidents involving big trucks than there was back then. Roads are more congested today and in some locations the roads get tighter than ever before as cities try to cope with the added growth by squeezing out the number of lanes the road can service.
Big truck and commercial drivers are being asked to endure more obstacles than ever before. In many cities around the country, electric vehicles are now roaming the streets, which don’t stand a chance against large semi trucks and have caused severe injuries in some accidents. Smaller lanes with more congestion and new obstacles make for a dangerous condition to drive in.
Big trucks accidents can happen for a number of reasons, but not all mean there was something at fault with the truck or the driver. In some cases the big truck driver was cut-off by another vehicle, or there are even scams out there that folks will deliberately run into trucks to get the insurance claim.
The drivers of big rigs have to be alert at all times so that they don’t fall victim to one of these incidents. It’s tedious work that often goes unrewarded or under appreciated, but necessary work that has serious implications. When an accident happens involving a big truck or commerical vehicle, the impact damage is often much more severe than with regular cars. Personal injuries could be a lot worse and in some case permanent.
It’s not to easy to fight against big truck companies whose insurance have tons of staff lawyers working to keep as much as they can for their client. Don’t wait after a big truck accident happens. Call an attorney to see what you deserve.