Electric Scooters Provoke Accidents in California

Electric Scooters

Injuries as a Result of a Scooter Accident can be resolved with UM Coverage Have you seen these electric scooters thrown around in the streets? Yes these scooters are mainly in urban cities such as Los Angees, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, San Francisco and others. The scooters can be picked up and parked anywhere as […]

How to Hire a Competent Accident Lawyer in California?

Car Accident Lawyer San Diego

You suffered an accident, got injured as a result, and do not really know how to open up an insurance claim, how to go about seeking medical help or how to recover your property damage, or any other financial losses, what do you do?  The first thing that comes to mind is looking up for […]

I Was Driving My Motorcycle and a Car Struck Me Down, What Can I Do?

Injury Lawyers Los Angeles

We understand that driving on a motorcycle is more freeing than driving a regular car, however it is more dangerous and sometimes due to the negligence of other distracted drivers can even be deadly.  The most important thing after being injured in a motorcycle accident is your physical health, however in order to recover from […]