If you are one of the at least 550,000 users of ridesharing services such as Lyft or Uber among other few, that operate within the Los Angeles City boundaries, here is what you should know in the event the vehicle you are in is involved in a Traffic Collision or any other type of mayhem.
- Remain calm and dial 911 in the event of a severe accident.
- If safe, exit the vehicle and wait for the Police, or Ambulance to arrive.
- If possible, gather all information of all parties involved, photos or police reports.
- If you feel injured or can’t breath properly you may go to your private physician or go to the Emergency Room in order to be treated immediately.
- If you were injured as a result of a Ride Sharing Accident, and need an Uber accident attorney, or are losing time off work, reach out to the THE LA Law Firm for a FREE Consultation.
After making sure your physical health isn’t at risk, you may entertain the idea of seeking FREE counsel to determine the proper route to recovery both Physical, and Financial.
If your Lyft or Uber drivers were found at fault, and you were injured as a result, you may be able to recover your financial losses, with the help of a Lyft accident lawyer Los Angeles, and although no amount of material compensation can truly compensate the value of pain and suffering we know that a just compensation can mitigate the transition back to your life before the accident.